​Whether you join us on campus or online, we look forward to worshipping with you!
Sundays - 10:30 AM - Wednesdays - 6:30 PM
About us
Has life left you feeling tired, worn out, and hopeless? Tired of going through the motions and looking for something more?
Join us each week as experience the life-changing Presence of God.
We are glad you stopped by! We are a fellowship of people who have been transformed by the wonderful mercy and saving grace of Jesus Christ and have committed ourselves to share His love with others.
Our theme is “Reaching up - encountering Jesus; Reaching out - serving others; Pressing on - making a difference.” We don’t claim to have all the answers or to have attained perfection yet, but we know Jesus and He has! Come join us as we do life with Jesus.
Each week, over 3 million people worship in more than 13,000 A/G churches across the U.S. as part of a world-wide A/G fellowship of over 69 million, making the Assemblies of God the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination.
We are a people who believe in the God of the Bible and have embraced the salvation provided through His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe God is at work today through the power of His Holy Spirit. We're eager to share God's love with you. To contact us personally, just click the button and we will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
In Christ Alone!
Pastors Kirk & Kim
our Leaders:

Kirk Sorensen
Lead Pastor & Teacher

Kim Sorensen
Co Pastor & Worship Leader

Donna Lee Snow
Adviser & Leadership Team